Monday 27 April 2020

Handwritten Library and Information Science (339) Tutor Marked Assignment Solved 2020 October Exam

Handwritten Library and Information Science (339) Tutor Marked Assignment Solved 2020 October Exam format pdf @9643289714

(i) All questions are compulsary. The marks allotted for each question are given at same


(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer

(1) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40-60 words:-

(a) Imagine you are a school librarian. What are the steps you would take to attract students to your
school library.

(b) Visit any webOPAC. Enumerate the elements of the WebOPAC that you have visited.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 - 60 words.

(a) Explain the statement, "The location of a library is very important", in the context of the relevant
Laws of Library Science.

(b) Find the meaning of the words, Bibliophile and Anthology in a print and an online dictionary.
Share briefly, your experience of using the print and online dictionaries in searching and locating
the word and finding its meaning. State the names of the print and online dictionary used by you.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 - 60 words.

(a) 'Project Gutenber' offers over 50,000 free eBooks. Visit the 'Project Gutenberg' website and
browse through the 'Children's Bookshelf' Identify any four eBooks of your choice and give the
bibliographic details of the book.

(b) What in your opinion is the role of the librarian in the digital era?

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Visit any two libraries nearby. Compare and contrast the two libraries in terms of their
• collection sizes,
• staffing patterns,
• kind of users and services provided.

(b) Visit any two digital libraries on the internet. Give their names and respective URLs.
Compare and contrast the two libraries from your point of view, which can be
• collection,
• services

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 - 150 words.

(a) Union Catalogues are an important location tool. OCLC and SUNCAT are two prominent union
catalogue on the internet. Explain the salient features and functions of any one of the union catalogues. How is the union catatogue different from a webOPAC.

(b) Bharat : Rashtriya Atlas' or "National Atlas of India' is published by NATMO. Visit the NATMO
website and discuss the activities carried out NATMO in preparing the important Georgaphical
Information Sources.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.
(a) INDEST and UGC-Infonet Digital Library Consortium have merged to e-ShodhSindhu. Visit
the e-ShodhSindhu website ( Note down the aims and objectives and also state the types of users, the number of users and resources in e-ShodhSindhu Consortium.

(b) Blogs are an important Web 2.0 tool. Visit the Kendriya Vidyalaya Pattom School Library website
created using Wordpress, a blog tool Write about the resources available on the website and
discuss how the students are sharing and contributing to the website.

TO GET COMPLETE SOLUTION OF NIOS TMA ABOVE QUESTION  SOLVED ASSIGNMENT ONLINE, Also Available 2020-2021 Solved Assignment both Hindi & English Medium Contct Us 9643289714 or VISIT

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