Sunday 16 December 2018

Computer Science (330) Tutor Marked Assignment (2018-19)

Computer Science (330) Tutor Marked Assignment (2018-19)
What is the difference between Logical and Physical Record?
What is the difference between compiler and interpreter?
Roshan creates a folder of his name in My Documents. Then he creates its shortcut on the desktop. After some time, he wants to change its name to XYZ, then he makes a text file “Biodata” and saves this file in folder XYZ. Write the steps which he follows to do the above activities.
Evaluate the following C++ expressions.
(i) int a = 5, b = 7, c;
c= a * a + b * b;
(ii) intI = 10, j = 20, k;
k = ( I + j)/3;
Write a program in C++ to print the prime numbers between 100-200.
What will be the value of ‘i’ after execution of the following C++ expressions:
float i, j, k;
j = 200.02;
k = 100.03;
i = j + k;
Write a structure specification in C++ for the record given below:
Name_school– char (30)
No_teachers – int (2)
No_Students – int (5)
Name of this structure will be SCHOOL
Write a program in C++ to read an array of sorted integers. Search for a value using
binary search method. If the element is found, print its location else print element not
class Book
charbook_name[20], writer [20];
void read();
void show();
classTbook: private Book
intno_of_lessons, no_of_exercises;
int standard;
classsciencebook: public tbook
char topic[20];
(i) Name the data members and member functions which can be accessed from the
member function of class sciencebook.
(ii) Name the member functions which can be accessed by an object of (a) class tbook
(b) class sciencebook.
Name the data members and member functions which can be accessed from the member function of class science book.
Name the member functions which can be accessed by an object of (a) class tbook
(b) class sciencebook.
Write a program in C++ to accept a String and print the total no of vowels in it. Also print the string in upper and lower case.
Define a class book with the following details (use data file):-
Book_no, Book_title, Book_price, Author, Publishing_date, Bill_amt as attributes.
(i) Create a function Total_cost() to calculate cost of ‘n’ coppices
(ii) Create a Function Input() to enter Book_no, Book_title, Book_price, Author,
Publishing_date and no of books(n).
(iii) A Display() function that displays all the attributes with appropriate prompts
(iv) A function to delete a particular book
(v) A function to update book details
Consider A, B, C as three arrays of size m,n and m + n respectively. Array A is stored in
ascending order where as array B is stored in descending order. Write a C++ program
to produce a third array C, containing all the data of arrays A and B and arranged in
descending order. Display the data of array C only.
Session 2018-19 (Computer Science - 330)

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