Tuesday, 18 August 2020

NIOS TMA Hindustani Music (242) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021

NIOS TMA Hindustani Music (242) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Hindustani Music (242) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Hindustani Music -242) -10th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) What is the meaning of compositional form “Prabandha”?

(b) “Dhrupad form is set to Talas”, Name the Talas.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Write the themes of Dhrupad and Dhamar form.

(b) Write in brief the compositions of Dhamar.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Describe the word Svaralipi.

(b) Which symbols from elements are usually used in notation.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Which period is considered as a vedic period. Name all the Vedas. Write in brief about vedic period in Indian culture.

(b) Mention the type of instruments have that been use during vedic period Elaborate.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Explain the vadydhayaya in Sangeet Ratnakar.

(b) Mention the name of fourth chapter in Sangeet Ratnakar. Describe in brief about the chapter.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Make a list of string and wind instruments. Paste them in your notebook (Assignment notebook). Write few lines about them.

(b) Write the name of Talas used in Hindustani music. Write their bols in proper manner with sam, tali and khali.

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NIOS TMA Carnatic Music (243) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021

NIOS TMA Carnatic Music (243) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Carnatic Music (243) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Carnatic Music -243) -10th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Write the definition of Kriti.

(b) What is the meaning of Vaggeyakaras?

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Write few lines about Purandaradasa. When was he born?

(b) Who is known as grandfather of music? Write two lines about him.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) “Abhyasa gana are the fundamental lessons in music.” Justify the statement.

(b) Why it is said Mayamalavagowla is a sampurna raga?

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) “ This raga is easy for the beginners to learn”, name and write details about the raga.

(b) Explain the Janta swaras with one exercise.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) “His song have simple lyrics but complex beautiful rhythmical balance”. Name the personality and describe his contribution in the field of music.

(b) Explain the musical background of “Ramadasa”.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Visit your nearby library and collect photos of four composers and details of atleast three of their carnatic music. Paste in A4 size paper and write in brief about each of composers and design the page with different colours.

(b) Take a A4 size paper and write Alankara of Chaturasra Jati Dhruva Talam (14 aksharkalas) in perfect manner. Render the swaras with appropriate manner with different tempo.

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NIOS TMA Early Childhood Care and Education (376) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


NIOS TMA Early Childhood Care and Education (376) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Early Childhood Care and Education (376) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Early Childhood Care and Education -376) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) How can role play be used to study children’s behaviour?

(b) How do children benefit with active cooperation and partnership of parents, community and preschool/ECCE centre?

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Design two activities each for cognitive, language and socio-emotional development of five to six year old children.

(b) A preschool/ECCE centre has sufficient number of toys, learning material and other resources. How can the school ensure visibility, access and use of these materials by the children?

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Why parents and caregivers need to be aware of the psychological, health, play and learning needs of children during their early years?

(b) Discuss the advantages of observation as a method to study behaviour of children in the age group of one to two years.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Riddhi and Ankush are parents of a four year old daughter who goes to a nearby preschool but there is very less communication between her parents and the preschool. Suggest some ways so that the parents can actively contribute in the school activities and participate in their child’s development and learning at the centre.

(b) ‘The transition from home to preschool could be a stressful time for both children and parents’. Suggest strategies for ensuring a smooth transition of children from home to preschool.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) You are planning to start a preschool/ECCE centre. What aspects will you consider while setting up and designing the indoor and outdoor space of the centre?

(b) Discuss the role of parents and schools in making children ready for school.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Interview any five teachers teaching in a preschool/ECCE centre and any five parents having young children. Discuss with them about child rights and try to find out their awareness about rights of children in India. Prepare a report of the same in about 500

(b) Design a weekly plan on any theme for duration of four hours for children in the age group of five to six years.

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NIOS TMA Military History (375) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


NIOS TMA Military History (375) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Military History (375) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Military History -375) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) How has flag been glorified as more valuable than king? Analyse the reason.

(b) How is war music relevant and required for the soldiers? Examine the reason.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Critically examine the military tactics of the first Battle of Panipat.

(b) Asses the result of Battle of Khanwa.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Analyse the consequences of second Battle of Panipat.

(b) Analyse the consequences of Battle of Haldighati.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Analyse the logic behind identification of warrior among Indian society.

(b) Analyse the logic behind rank structure in the British army in India.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Critically analyse the Battle of Wandiwash and its results.

(b) Critically analyse the Battle of Wandiwash and its results.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Pakistan attacked Kargil, Srinagar and Poonch in October 1947. All of these areas were of Muslim majority population. Make a report on the conflicts between two countries since October, 1947 till ceasefire. Take care of the following facts while preparing the report.

(i) Who were the first invaders?

(ii) What was the instrument of Accession?

(iii) Operation Gulmarg.

(iv) Operation Bison.

(b) In 1947 Hyderabad was a multilingual state with people speaking Telugu, Marathi, Kannada and Urdu. Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan, a Muslim ruler was ruling over the Hindu Majority. Prepare a report based on the required information given below.

(i) How was annexation of Hyderabad done?

(ii) Why was operation Polo launched?

(iii) What was police action in Hyderabad?

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NIOS TMA Military Studies (374) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


NIOS TMA Military Studies (374) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Military Studies (374) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Military Studies -374) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Analyse any two purposes of the games played in the ancient period.

(b) Evaluate any two important tasks of the Marine Commandos.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Analyse the importance of inspection of any army unit.

(b) Classify the biological warfare agents on the basis of the primary groups of microorganisms.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Highlight any four sources of soft power in India.

(b) Highlight the process of evolution of Military Studies in India.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Analyse the characteristics of any Biological Warfare Agent which you consider important for its effectiveness..

(b) Analyse the factors on which the effectiveness of the Chemical Warfare Agents depends.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Highlight any four functions of the 'Garud'.

(b) Assess the need of special forces in India.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) List any three issues of conflict between India and Bangladesh and suggest the three measures to improve the relations.

(b) Prepare a chart showing the symptoms of Choking Chemical Agents and suggest any two protective measures to overcome the ill effects of the Choking Agents.

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NIOS TMA Physical Education and Yoga (373) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Physical Education and Yoga (373) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Physical Education and Yoga -373) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Distinguish between exercise, physical activity and fitness.

(b) Determine factors affecting physical fitness and wellness.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) List the career opportunities in physical education.

(b) Explain the qualities of a physical education teacher.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Determine the changes that take place in cardiovascular system by doing regular exercises.

(b) Examine the factors that affect health.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Analyse the aspects showing that Indian society promotes participation of women in sports- Give 3 reason in support of your answer.

(b) Compare and contrast between Gomukhasana and Shalabhasana- Draw diagrams of both the asanas.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Enlist the spinal postural deformities. Explain the causes of Lordosis and the precautions to avoid it. Suggest five exercises as corrective measures for Round shoulders and Kyphosis each.

(b) Describe in details the various types of soft tissue injuries?

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Formulate 2 exercises each for improving flexibility and strength of a person?

Exercise No- 1 & 2 Flexibility - Exercise No- 1& 2 Strength

(b) Prepare a report on a week (7 days) schedule followed by you in your fitness and yog program.

To Download Nios Session 2020-21 (Physical Education and Yoga - 373) English & Hindi Medium TMA Question Paper in Pdf Click Here

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NIOS TMA Employability Skills (350) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


NIOS TMA Employability Skills (350) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Employability Skills (350) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Employability Skills - 350) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Mention at least two universal values that need to be imbibed for success.

(b) What is the difference between being emotionally healthy and physically healthy. How are they interrelated?

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Explain how good relations between the stakeholders could make the world of work a happier place.

(b) "Inclusion plays an important role in aligning oneself with the social realities within the professional space" Comment. Give an example of social diversity in professional space?

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) You are the owner of an electronics company. You have to recruit a new manager to head your company's operations. List five qualities you will look for in the new candidate to be selected.

(b) Mention few methods to measure the effectiveness of communication.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) You are the owner of a manufacturing unit which handles highly toxic chemicals. You discover that one of your managers has been indulging in a malpractice which has severely compromised the safety of your unit. What would be your course of action?

(b) What are the challenges to good communication?

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) You are being interviewed for the post of floor assistant. "Why should the company hire you"?

(b) Write an email to your colleague, giving her news of her promotion due to recommendations from many customers who appreciated her good behaviour.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) There is an Internet connectivity issue with your new phone. You try to get the problem filed multiple times, but it is not getting resolved. Write a descriptive letter complaining to the company. Use appropriate punctuation marks.

(b) Write a cover letter and your CV in response to an advertisement uploaded on jobseekers.com for the post of an assistant in the trade of your choice.

To Download Nios Session 2020-21 (Employability Skills 350) English & Hindi Medium TMA Question Paper in Pdf Click Here

NIOS TMA Employability Skills 350 Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Nios Solved Assignment in Pdf Links Click Here For More Information whatsApp us on - 9643289714

Thursday, 13 August 2020

NIOS TMA Tourism (337) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


NIOS TMA Tourism (337) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Tourism (337) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Tourism -337) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Identify any two salient features of the new policy of IRCTC.

(b) Identify any two positive economic impacts of tourism.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Analyse any two important reasons for the variety in Indian culture.

(b) One of your friends is planning to visit Mumbai. Suggest him the names of any four places of historical and cultural importance.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Classify the following religious places according to the religion related to them.

(i) Kamakhya (ii) Dilwara (iii) Sanchi (iv) Pushkar

(b) List out any two differences between Kuchipudi and Odissi dance styles.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Highlight any four factors affecting tourism.

(b) How do technology and packages promote tourism in the world? Explain with the help of examples.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Assess the role of any four factors responsible for the determination of a rational compensation Policy.

(b) Suggest any four tips to be kept in mind which would enable the interviewer to face the interview successfully.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) You are the owner of a hotel. A food festival is to be organised in your hotel to popularise it. It will have stalls that would sell Punjabi, Hyderabadi, Bengali, Gujrati, Rajasthani and Kashmiri cusines. In this connection posters are to be displayed highlighting the date or period, cusines to be sold and at least two characteristics (specialities) of each. Prepare the posters for every cuisine.

(b) With the help of your mobile, any directory or Internet, collect the names of atleast two hotels covering all the categories upto 5 star hotels along with their address, contact numbers, minimum and maximum room tariffs and the required for booking. With the help of the information prepare the table given below as ready reference for use.

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NIOS TMA Painting (332) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


NIOS TMA Painting (332) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Painting (332) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Painting -332) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) 'Indian sculpture was mostly meant for temple ornamentation', justify in brief.

(b) Write three characteristics of Trimurti at Maharastra.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) 'The heads represent three different aspects of the God 'Trimuti' name the three Gods.

(b) Describe the standing posture of 'Nataraja'.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Name the things that 'Nataraja' is holding in his four hands.

(b) Write the medium and size of Nataraja Culture.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) What is Lost wax technique in brief?

(b) 'Coating the replica with wet clay', write the name of methods and now complete the same process.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Write one of the most outstanding artist in the Indian art who is a scupture as well as a wrestler. Explain his contribution in the field of art.

(b) This is an example of contemporary Indian sculpture', name and describe the sculpture.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Collect newspaper and magazine cuttings of different festivals, paste all these cuttings in 1/2 imperial size paper and create a beautiful collage.

(b) Take different shapes of colourful paper cuttings. Paste in A4 size paper and make a geometrical design on your own idea.

To Download Nios Session 2020-21 (Painting - 332) English & Hindi Medium TMA Question Paper in Pdf Click Here

NIOS TMA Painting 332 Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Nios Solved Assignment in Pdf Links Click Here For More Information whatsApp us on - 9643289714

NIOS TMA Sociology (331) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


NIOS TMA Sociology (331) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Sociology (331) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 ( Sociology-331) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Describe how a social system is an orderly and systematic arrangement of social interaction?

(b) How do values provide stability in group interaction? Explain with examples?

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) How does custom preserve our culture and transmit to next generation? Explain with examples.

(b) "The group stability depends upon integration". Clarify the Statement.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Explain how conflict is a social process, taking the example from your village/community?

(b) Justify how acculturation is a universal and continuous process?

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) "Norms are indispensable part of our life". Discuss the statement with suitable examples from your daily life.

(b) "Some statuses appear to have both achieved and ascribed elements". Justify the statement with examples?

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Explain how norms are one of the important bases of social structure?

(b) Explain how co-operation is goal oriented and conscious form of social interaction?

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Visit any Club/ Cultural Associations/NGO in your locality who have organized any social/cultural programme. Please ask the main functionary of the organising committee. List out at least 5 programmes in which different members cooperate each other and
organise the programmes in a particular year. Write a detailed report of different activities performed by functionaries in these 5 programmes.

(b) Visit any 10 families in your locality and ask any two elder family members about different rituals performed in marriage 15-20 years back and now. Based on your visit write a detailed comparative report about how marriage practices changes in last 15-20 years?

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NIOS TMA Psychology (328) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


NIOS TMA Psychology (328) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Psychology (328) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Psychology -328) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Differentiate between generalization and differentiation with the help of an example.

(b) Mr. Mohan is 85 year old and walks with a stick. However, he always goes to walk in the morning even in hot summers and cold winters. Why do you think he does this?

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) A 3 year old child throw tantrums to get its favourite candy at midnight. How will you explain this behavior?

(b) According to Freud, the primary zone of psychosexual pleasure changes at about the age of 3 or 4, when interest and pleasure become concentrated in the genital area. Discuss.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Identify any two types of contemporary problems faced by adolescents. Suggest any two ways to deal with these problems.

(b) Arpit spends most of his time watching television and playing games on mobile. His class 12th examination are approaching. How can self instructional training help him?

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) What is substance related disorder? How can youth be made aware of this?

(b) You first cry and then you feel sad or you perceive emotion of crying and sadness together'. Based on the statement, give an explanation with the help of popular theories of emotions.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Your friend wants to open up a play center. How can you make your friend aware about the structural details of a play center?

(b) Priya's parents want her to become a doctor. Do you think it is right for Priya to follow her parents wishes? Can you suggest some strategies to Priya for deciding about her career?

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) How the interaction between environment and human behavior influence each other? Discuss about the contemporary problems faced by humans due to this interaction and suggest ways to deal with it. Prepare a report on the same.

(b) Meet small children aged 5-7 year in your locality and try to find out the influence of advertisements on television on the eating habits of these children. How can they be made aware of the difference between eating healthy and unhealthy food? Write a report based
on the same.

To Download Nios Session 2020-21 (Psychology 328) English & Hindi Medium TMA Question Paper in Pdf Click Here

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NIOS TMA Library and Information Science (339) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


NIOS TMA Library and Information Science (339) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Library and Information Science (339) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Library and Information Science -339) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) You have recently joined a public library. What steps would you take to promote accessibility of products/services for senior citizens?

(b) As a Librarian in a Special library, how would you assist user in locating desired information.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Visit Digital library of India. Find out details about its history, types, languages of materials and delivery formats.

(b) How, in your opinion, are the Five Laws of Library Science applicable in modern automated libraries?

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) In which ways do you think RFID technology can prevent theft of books in libraries?

(b) Enumerate the implications of Open Access in context of the relevant laws of Library Science.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Go to a school library. Pick up one title each of a dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus and directory. Compare the dictionary with:
- Encyclopedia
- Thesaurus
- Directory

(b) Visit website of a public library and a college library on the internet. Give their names and respective URLs. Compare and contrast the two libraries in terms of their:
- Manual and computerized services.
- Web 2.0 tools.
- Remote access facilities.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) The ‘Whitaker’s Almanack’ is published annually since 1868 from the United Kingdom. Visit the Whitaker website and explain what kind of information is available on it.

(b) Visit the website of WWW Virtual Library (vlib.org). Discuss write about its creaters, history, location and topics covered.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Institutional repository is an online database providing access to digital collections of thesis, dissertations, eprints, etc. of an institution for online viewing. Visit the website of IISc – Indian Institute of Science (eprints@iisc.ernet.in). Write down the step-by-step
instructions to deposit publications to the IISc repository.

(b) Visit the website of Jawarlal Lal Nehru (JNU) university (lib.jnu.ac.in). Note down the information available for various categories of users like students, academic, new reader, etc. Also list the details of electronic collections acquired by the library via consortia.

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NIOS TMA Introduction to Law (338) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Introduction to Law (338) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Introduction to Law -338) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Give any one example where rules of natural justice may be excluded on the basis of confidentiality.

(b) A person has committed a crime and is an accused. State any two defences that can be used by the accused to negate the crime effect?

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) State any two conditions when Parliament can legistate on a 'State list' Subject.

(b) A 10 years old child is working in a Bidi Making factory. He has been deprieved of two fundamental right. Name those rights and explain those provisions.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Right to equality' has been given to all the citizens of India. But even then some special provisions and reservation is made for scheduled castes and sheduled tribes. Explain any relevant reason for this.

(b) Identify any two Directive Principles of State Policy that have been implemented after making amendments in the Constitution of India.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Highlight any four benefits of the 'Right to Information'.

(b) Explain the theory of punishment which works on the dictum 'Crime is like a disease'.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Which fundamental right do you consider the most important? Support your answer with two arguments.

(b) Do you agree with the statement 'customs are the valid laws'? Support your answer with two arguments.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) In the table given below Column 'A' contains some words. In Column 'B' write the provision made in the constitution related to and based on the word given in Column A.

Example Liberty of faith Right to freedom of Religion Republic Free and compulsory education for children upto the age of 14 years. Liberty of thought We should respect National Flag and National Anthem 73rd amendment Equal rights for Men and women

(b) Identify the following statements as Fundamental Rights or Fundamental duties or Directive Principles of state Policy–and write the correct word in front of each statement:

We have the freedom to money freedy in any part of the territory of India. Equal pay should be given for equal work We should not destroy the national property State shall take up steps to seprate judiciary from the executive Assures every citizen of India especially minorities to conserve their culture, language and script. These are not justiceable

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NIOS TMA Data Entry Operations (336) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Data Entry Operations (336) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Data Entry Operations-336) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) What is the difference between laser jet printer and inkjet printer?

(b) Write a short note on light pen, plotter.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Write the steps to create a new folder in Windows operating system.

(b) Miss Kirti is working as a computer professional in an organisation. She wants to uninstall the software Adobe Photoshop. What are the tools and steps required to do the same?

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) You have to prepare your assignment. Which software will you use to create this assignment?

(b) The students of the cultural club had prepared a poster using MS Word. They want to take multiple copies of the poster, to display it in various notice boards of their school. What are the printer settings required for the following:

(i) To print 10 coloured copies-

(ii) To print the poster in different paper size and orientation.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) The manager of a xyz organisation is preparing the organizational chart. Which feature of MSExcel he / she will use to do so? Also write the steps for this.

(b) Keyboard shortcuts save our time. Write the PowerPoint keyboard shortcut for the following actions:

(i) To begin new slide.

(ii) To promote list items.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Mr. Shiva Mangal is working in a business organization. He is searching about "medical surgicals" in internet. He wants to send the searched links using e-mail to his colleagues. His email id mrshiva@mss.com. Write the steps in detail enlisting the sequence he will follow for this assigned task. Also write the components of his e-mail address.

(b) (i) What are the steps required to insert a new worksheet before existing worksheet?

(ii) What are the various types of tab stops? Write in brief the uses of it.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Today most of the institutions (school/college/bank etc.) have set up their own computer networks (LAN). Visit any such institution in your neighbourhood and collect the following information:

(i) Number of computers on LAN.

(ii) Is the LAN connected to Internet?

(iii) What type of Internet connection is being used?

(b) Create a PowerPoint presentation on "Importance of ICT". It must include the following (one slide each):

(i) What is ICT?

(ii) Uses of ICT.

(iii) Importance of ICT.

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NIOS TMA Mass Communication (335) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Mass Communication (335) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Mass Communication-335) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Define news and give the names of various types of news. Cut down 3 types news from any newspaper and paste them in a proper way.

(b) Write down a useful 'Tagline' for information on 'Kushal Bharat-Kaushal Bharat' campaign.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Write down names of various types of puppets and draw or paste a picture of puppet of your choice.

(b) Prepare a report on a topic of your choice for circulation through New Media.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Prepare a pamphlet by using any two public relation tools.

(b) Differentiate between news and information, prepare a notice on any economic issue like 'Jan-Dhan Yojana'.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Define the term 'Photography' and write difference between Film and Digital Photography. Paste any two pictures showing wide and narrow angle view published in any magazine.

(b) Describe briefly various mediums of Mass Communication and prepare a 'collage' based on these mediums.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Describe the concept of Mass Communication and structure of Public Relations in government, prepare an awareness campaign highlighting the issue of clean drinking water.

(b) Describe the role and importance of computers in New Media. Prepare a report on increasing interest and impact of internet among your friends.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Collect 20 pictures published in various newspapers and prepare a photo - feature portraying 'Development Communication in India', Give suitable caption to the photofeature and write a report on it.

(b) Write down different forms of Traditional Media. How Traditional Media can be used in Public Relation campaign like 'Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao'. Describe in detail.

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NIOS TMA Environmental Science (333) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Environmental Science (333) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Environmental Science-333) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Name the discovery that enabled the primitive humans to colonise colder parts of the earth. Mention one more advantage that primitive humans derived from the discovery

(b) Given below are some of the important facts in the origin and evolution of life on earth. Arrange them in the correct sequence.

(i) Oxidizing atmosphere.
(ii) Simplest non-photosynthetic bacteria evolved.
(iii) Earth cooled and molecules of life formed.
(iv) Chlorophyll contained bacteria originated.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Why is there a need to be develop a buffer or transtional zone around a natural ecosystem?

(b) Your neighbour wants to start aquaculture as a profession/occupation. To encourage him, tell him about any four of its advantages.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Rural and urban settlements differ from each other in many ways. Write difference between rural and urban settlements with reference to:

(i) Occupation.
(ii) Population density.

(b) Being a good homemaker/housewife, which four eco-friendly fuels would you use at your home to prevent indoor air pollution? Also give any two reasons for opting for these fuels?

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Although high yielding plant varieties have helped to increase our food production capacity, but it has also played an important role in soil degradation. Explain this in your own thoughts/opinion.

(b) A dairy farm owner gives harmonal injection to his livestocks (Milching animals) in order to facilitate to increase milk production. Name the chemical injected and also mention its adverse effects on the live stocks.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) IUCN is a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) which is independent of governments. How does it work in order to tackle our environmental issues ?

(b) What is the importance of environmental ethics in our lives? Explain in four sentences.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Obtain mushroom seeds and grow mushrooms, prepare your own compost and spawning. Make observation on the growth of mushroom culture and note the time taken till ready of mushrooms. At the end of doing this, write a brief report. You can take help from internet as well as your elders.

(b) Go out to a nearby field and collect some leguminous plants. Observe their roots carefully. Write your observations and draw the diagram of these roots. Prepare a report regarding the cause of the development of nodules as well as its significance. Draw a simplified flow chart of biochemical steps involved in this process.

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NIOS TMA Computer Science (330) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Computer Science (330) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Computer Science -330) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) What is CPU? How does it work?

(b) Convert (999)10 into binary.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Differentiate between filtering and sorting of data.

(b) What is network topology?

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Write the steps for sending an attachment in E-mail.

(b) Define operating system. Write down its various functions.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of GUI based operating system?

(b) What are the different types of networks? Write in detail.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Differentiate between

(i) Instant messaging and chat rooms.
(ii) FTP and HTTP.

(b) What are the benefits of using FOSS?

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) You are preparing your assignment for your subject. Write your answers using the OpenOffice Writer software. Format the document by applying the font – Times New Roman, size – 12. Insert bullets in the document wherever it is needed. Insert a 4 x 4 table and write your basic details such as first name, last name, roll no, age, class etc. Use the basic character formatting tools such as bold, italics, underline etc., in your document.

(b) You are the project manager of a software firm. You have to address your client about your firm by mentioning the various achievements and projects of that firm. Prepare a presentation that will help you to explain them in an interesting and interactive manner.

To Download Nios Session 2020-21 (Computer Science 330) English & Hindi Medium TMA Question Paper in Pdf Click Here

NIOS TMA Computer Science 330 Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Nios Solved Assignment in Pdf Links Click Here For More Information whatsApp us on - 9643289714

NIOS TMA Home Science (321) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Home Science (321) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Home Science -321) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) The study of Home Science is an Art and Science. Explain both implications with two examples each.

(b) The study of Home Science makes you a good home maker or a good entrepreneur. Write your views for both perspectives.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Record one day's diet of yours and identify the different foods groups and nutrients present in each meal. Assess whether the meal is balanced or not Justify your answer.

(b) Explain two techniques by which you can increase certain vitamins and minerals in food even before cooking.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) What is the difference between the balanced diet and therapeutic diet? Which four changes will you make in the diet for a child having fever?

(b) What are sources of non-renewable energy? In which four ways you ca save energy in your home?

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) What are the harmful effects of anemia in adolescents? What preventive steps an you take at own level? What are the steps taken by the government to eradicate anemia?

(b) Identify four causes of child labour and juvenile delinquency in our society. Suggest four ways to tackle the condition at social and national level.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) You have Rs 10,000/- and you want to start your business of cloth dyeing from home. Answer the following in this regard.
(i) On which cloth or garment will you start your work? Why?
(ii) Where do you want to deposit your income? Why?
(iii) Make spending plan for your business.
(iv) Design the management steps of your business.

(b) You have been given a responsibility to organize 30 minute cultural programme. Answer the following in this regard.
(i) Prepare the plan for the event?
(ii) Which resources would will you require for the same?
(iii) Categories different types of activities and give example.
(iv) Make a time plan for five programs in 30 minutes.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Visit any Aganwadi centre in your area. Observe and write report on following issues:
(i) Weekly menu of food cooked and served there.
(ii) Hygiene and cleanliness during food preparation.
(iii) Number of children, their age and weight.
(iv) What are the children learning?
(v) Who are the beneficiaries and what benefits do they get?
(vi) What improvements have the children or their parents feel after joining?
(vii) Talk to staff about this arrangement.

(b)Search by own study or through Internet and write any five tips for the following and demonstrate one.
(i) Organization of kitchen.
(ii) Cleaning of bathroom.
(iii) Good and bad effects of microwave.
(iv) Freezing of vegetables at home.
(v) Enhancing the self confidence of school children.
(vi) Tracing a design for embroidery.

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Wednesday, 12 August 2020

NIOS TMA Accountancy (320) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021

NIOS TMA Accountancy (320) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021 Question Paper with their Answers DOWNLOAD FROM BELOW LINKS

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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Accountancy (320) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Accountancy -320) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Which branch of Accounting is known as 'social reporting' or 'social responsibility accounting'? Explain that branch.

(b) Which Accounting concept answers that all business transactions must be in terms of money? Explain the concept.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) On January 01, 2020 M/s Rajesh Tea Company paid Rs. 20,000 in cash and balance amount of Rs. 80,000 by cheque to Madhav Tea company, prepare Debit Voucher.

(b) Which Accounting Convention states that same accounting principles should be used for preparing financial statements year after year. Explain that convention.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) "The process of journalising involves certain steps". Explain these steps with the help of examples.

(b) Suppose rent (payable) is outstanding for Rs. 10,000 for December 2019. Which type of expenses it is? What entry will be passed for it?

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Following are the transactions of X and Sons for the month of July 2019. Make journal entries, post them into ledger and balance the accounts.

2019 Rs.
July 1 Commenced business, with cash 1,00,000
5 Purchased furniture for cash 20,000
20 Purchased goods from Rahul 60,000
31 Paid salary by cheque 10,000

(b) Prepare Bank Column cash Book of M/S Young company from the following transactions for the month of September 2019
2019 Rs.
September 1 Cash in hand 45,000
Cash at Bank 70,000

September 2 Cash Sales 25,000
September 19 Furniture purchased by cheque 22,000
September 15 Received cheque from Rajesh and deposited 17,000
into Bank
September 20 Withdrawn from Bank for personal use 16,000
September 25 Rent paid 12,000
September 28 Withdrawn from Bank for office use 14,000
September 29 Salary paid 8,000
September 31 Cash paid for telephone Bill 3,000

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Suppose you are an accountant in a firm. You are given options of 'Manual Accounting' and 'Computerised Accounting'. Differentiate between the two.

(b) X sold goods worth Rs. 60,000 to Y taking bill at 3 months, therefare dated 1st July 2019. On 4th August, X discounted the bill at 5.5% p.a. with his bankers. At maturity the bill was dishonoured and on that date Y paid Rs. 15,000 with no charges and accepted another bill at 3 months for Rs. 45,000 at 6% annual interest, but before maturity Y had become insolvent and ultimately he paid his creditors 75 paise in the rupee. Make the entries in X's journal recording the above transactions.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) You are an assistant accountant in a business unit, prepare the proforce of a journal and ledger with imagining entries.

(b) Suppose you are going to attend interview board for the post of an accountant in a company. Give the performa of special journals mentioning five specific items in it.

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NIOS TMA Business Study (319) Tutor Marked Assignment 2021


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Check Your Questions Papers and Instructions below: Business Study (319) Tutor Marked Assignment Session 2020-21 (Business Study-319) -12th Class

Max.Marks: 20

Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

(1) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Your friend Sumit wants to start a new business. Therefore, he is interested in knowing about the business risks and their causes. Explain him the meaning and causes of business risks..

(b) Ethics has become a buzzword in the business world. Explain briefly the elements of business ethics with examples.

(2) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Your business partner feels that it is not important to get the business insured. Explain him the importance of insurance for business.

(b) You are a successful businessman dealing in goggles. You have heard a lot about e business from your friends. Now you want to expand your business through online shopping. Find out the various resources available for successful implementation of ebusiness.

(3) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.

(a) Your father wants to start a business of his own. Which form of business organisation would you suggest him. Explain.

(b) You have to appear as a candidate in an interview. Discuss the entire procedure describing the different aspects of a personal interview.

(4) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Your cousin is tensed and exhausted most of the time due to work. So he decides to start a business of his own. Discuss the various avenues of self employment keeping in view the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

(b) 'Social responsibility of business means social commitment of business towards different groups'.- Elaborate.

(5) Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) A news about a government company made you think what is it all about. You and your friend explored on internet the features of a government company. Mention them.

(b) There are numerous threats to the security of e-commerce from the customer's side as well as the vendor's side. Therefore, it is must to ensure security in online transactions. Mention the steps undertaken to ensure this.

(6) Prepare any one project out of the following projects given below.

(a) Priyank wants to start a small business but he is unaware of the government support available. Help him to gather necessary information by explaining him the characteristics of small business and scope of small business. Also mention the steps taken by the government for the development of small business in India.

(b) If you get an opportunity to start your own business, which form of business organisation would you choose. Justify your answer explaining the merits and demerits of different forms of business organisation.

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